— Sondra Ray & Markus Ray

WHY BREATHE? Reason #1

Because if you don't, you will die.

The most essential element in our everyday life is air. It's a food we could not live without. 5 minutes without air, and we are dead. Breath is Life and Life is Breath. Everything breathes. Even the Rocks and the Trees. Especially the Trees. In fact, the Trees Breathe in what we Breathe out; and we Breathe in what the Trees Breathe out. So it's a good deal we have with the Trees. In fact, we should be better friends to them. Really. It's what they call in science a "symbiotic relationship." They could not live without us; we could not live without them. We BREATHE TOGETHER.

Many call the Conscious Connected Deep Breathing we do together "Breathwork." I suppose it's "work" because we are giving our breath and our mind attention, and much of the time we are not very attentive to them. But "work" is kind of deceptive, because when one is in the flow of Conscious Connected Deep Breathing, it is

effortless. Not work at all.

Others have called it "Rebirthing" which describes its ability to "regress" our minds back to the memories of our birth, and the traumas we experienced in those first moments of coming out of the womb into life. Sometimes these "memories" come up for healing, but sometimes they don't. Some memories always come up

for the purpose of healing and release, but the ones that do can not always be consciously controlled. Nor should one consciously control them. The subconscious lets up what you can handle. One does feel a release from this kind of breathing, especially when done for an hour. The release makes one feel kind of "reborn" into the present without the past, so "rebirthing" is actually a good description of this Circular, Connected Deep Breathing we do together.

We call this breathing "Liberation Breathing" because it liberates us from the past. It helps us look at "negative thought forms" we hold in our memory bank, so we can forgive them and let them go. We no longer are affected by the past thoughts we have totally forgiven. Forgiving them helps us to release them, therefore we are "liberated" from our past through this Circular Connected Deep Breathing.

Thoughts are very powerful. They all have effects. The thought, "Death is inevitable," is a thought. It kills people. That is one of the thoughts we use Circular Connected Deep Breathing to help us clear from our mind. It's a deep one. A lot of people are NOT willing to question it. It can make us depressed if we really think about it. And then, usually when we do think about it, it's too late. The thought has produced a disease that kills us.

So, REASON #1 for doing Liberation Breathing is, YOU GET TO LIVE MORE. Not only do you get to feel better about the Life you have right now, but you get to blaze a new positive trail for the life you will have in the future. It clears your future by releasing your past, keeping you in this ever-present moment of NIRVANA NOW.


WHY BREATHE? Reason #2

Because Breathing Helps You "Know Thyself"

In DELPHI Greece the ancient seers and wise people put a "maxim" over the door to the Temple of Apollo: "Know Thyself." It is the ultimate directive of self introspection. Philosophers, Holy people, and general "lovers of wisdom" have heeded those two words for millennium. We BREATHE to "Know Thyself." In the deepest way possible. We BREATHE to know our soul. We BREATHE to know our higher SELF—the part connected with our infinite and unlimited possibilities.

"Yea, right," you are probably quizzically thinking: "So what. What does that have to do with breathing?"

The BREATH is a catalyst for Self-introspection. It just is. When you stop what you are doing and lay down to do "consciously connected deep breathing," you automatically have to "look" at something. And when you close your eyes and BREATHE, you are looking at your mind—the thoughts you are thinking. It's like watching a movie. A movie of the mind. Liberation Breathing is the best introspective tool you have to look at your mind and change what you see in there.

Some people may not know that their thoughts make up their reality. The world you experience is preceded by your own thoughts about it. So examining your thoughts

and feelings, and seeing their effects, is one of the benefits of this form of self introspective breathing. It is one of THE BEST WAYS to "Know Thyself."

What will you see in there? You might see some stuff you don't like. That's OK. Forgiveness is the key to happiness, so releasing the charge you have on these thoughts—whether they be regret, anger, guilt, disappointment, fear, or any other heavy emotion—is the beginning of your healing process. Your BREATH can HEAL YOU. It is as simple as that. We say you can "breathe out the charge," and what we mean by that is your can forgive what you see and move into the present and future with a "clean slate," a mind cleansed. You can adopt new, more positive thoughts.

Know Thyself is the maxim we would auto-suggest to anyone doing this deep, consciously connected breathing. The "Temple of Apollo" is your own mind. And the Oracle of Delphi is your own intuition. These are readily accessible to you in the Rebirthing process. Breathwork is fast approaching what we would call the "new yoga." Anyone can do it. It benefits everyone immediately. It puts you in touch with Infinite Intelligence.

WHY BREATHE? Reason #3

Because Breathing Helps You "LET GO!"

Have you ever felt that in a difficult situation you have gone as far as you can with your own acts of "trying to fix things" and "getting the result you want," and still you are STUCK? The situation has not shifted. We have all been there.

What next? Usually there is some sense of helplessness, and a moment when all you can do is throw your hands up in the air and surrender to Forces bigger than yourself.

Deep, Conscious Connected Breathing is one of the best practices to help you move through these types of situations, and to "LET GO!"

"What happens then?" you might ask.

Well, you create a space. An empty space. If you have really LET GO, there is a space in your mind to receive something totally different. Something you have not "thought of." Something that you did not think was possible. You access the UNKNOWN, and in this space there are "miracles."

Reason #3 for "Why Breathe" is that breathwork helps you to LET GO.

You can let go faster, and let go with a new energy and purpose to have a resolution that is from LIFE greater than your own managing and effort. LIFE is a vastness of Infinite Possibilities. Do we really think Life would leave us "stuck" in a "bad situation?"

Take a BREATH! Take a bunch of BREATHS and connect them all in a row for about an hour. Then watch your problems dissolve, and watch new solutions emerge that you have not thought of before. "LET GO and LET GOD" is a statement used a lot in the 12-step program. And when you actually breathe your intentions into this act of letting go, powerful forces are set in motion. Benevolent Forces. God-like Forces. Miraculous Forces. You receive a new consciousness. Really.

This is another "reason" we BREATHE. We BREATHE to LET GO!

So if you have a situation you need to solve, and it stubbornly has clung to you without resolution, why don't you try breathing with us? We have many events and you can sign up for a private session of Liberation Breathing here: bit.ly/LBSession

WHY BREATHE? Reason #4

Because Breathing Helps Your "Relationships"

We are all in Relationships. Even if we are single. Relationships are the "bread of life." First you have your parents, maybe some siblings, a mate, some kids, then everyone else. Relationships are everything. Take a breath. Some are good and some not so good. Some bring you Joy and some—well—you are ready to "throw in the towel," if you have not already.

So, what does your BREATH have to do with Relationships? And how could BREATHING help them along?

There are a couple of components to answering these questions. First, let's start with the basics of Breathwork. It takes two people in a Relationship. You have the "breather," who is the one doing the breathing, and you have the "Breathworker," who is the one holding the space for the "breather" to share and JUST BREATHE. This sounds kind of simple. Well, it is.

The "breather" shows up to share and breathe," And the "Breathworker" shows up to listen and watch the breather do the breathing. And in this watching and listening, the Breathworker holds the space without judgment. (This is very important!) In a space of total non-judgment about anything the breather shares,

there is a very holy space of forgiveness created and maintained. And in this space, the "breather" can LET GO! (Reason #3 for breathing.)

In this deep conscious connected breathing we do together with another, a Holy Relationship is formed. This is why breathing on your own, alone, is not as powerful, not as effective as breathing in the presence of a serious Breathworker. On your own, you may not form this Holy Relationship.

Breathing with another who is watching and listening can help you be more self honest. It helps you to "Know Thyself." (Reason # 2 for breathing) This spiritual intimacy is established in this Liberation Breathing process. If you can be safe and honest with yourself in the presence of another—the Breathworker— chances are you can feel safe and honest in the presence of another person, like your mate. And this helps all of your relationships!

If you can form one Holy Relationship with another (like you Breathworker) then you can form other Holy Relationships with all the other people in your life. Now, by HOLY I mean totally safe, honest, vulnerable, truthful, open, respectful, peaceful, transforming, happy, joyful and on purpose with the destiny of your life. You would want that, Yes?

WHY BREATHE? Reason #5

Because Breathing Helps You Change

Could it be that the person we need to be the most honest with is our self? We have been convinced of all kinds of beliefs, with so many outside influences, what is really going on inside of us? The momentum of our daily life seems to have its own direction. What happens when we want to change that direction? Maybe a small adjustment is not going to satisfy us. A 180° turn is in store, but we can't get a handle on where to start. This is a good time and place for breathwork.

When a person lays down to breathe, and takes a good look internally at how they feel and what they are thinking, something happens. A new ENERGY comes into being that is very alive and dynamic. This ENERGY is what gives us the insight and clarity to make a change. Going in a new direction with a relationship, a project of work, or a major aspect of our life is aided by deep and conscious connected breathing.

How is this so?

Breathing gets us in touch with the most essential ENERGY of life. Breathing is so essential to life that they are almost synonymous. If you don't breathe, you die. (Reason #1 for WHY BREATHE?) Being conscious of our breathing gets us in touch

with that interface with mind, body and spirit―where they converge―and so unleashes a power that gives us new clarity. We get in touch with our "bigger picture." We get in touch with our inner guidance system.

When you breathe this way, problems that may have seemed insurmountable begin to dissolve. Parts of your life that were not fully alive come alive again. Changes you wanted to make, and were just inklings before, become certainties. You get the catalyst you need for positive change. And this ENERGY is emanating from you. You are the SOURCE of this good fortune.

The breath is a catalyst for real inner change. You cannot fool yourself, or lie to yourself, doing Liberation Breathing. It is a "truth serum" of the mind. Maybe you don't want to rock your boat or get that clear. Maybe the status quo is totally fine for you. Or, maybe YOU DO want to extend your potential outside the box you have made for yourself.

In that case, Breathe with us and change with us.

Come join us to BREATHE TOGETHER bit.ly/EventsRay

WHY BREATHE? Reason #6

Because Breathing Helps Us Heal

Liberation Breathing helps us heal. We start by looking at "thoughts and memories" which are always underneath any symptom or condition in the body. We are not saying, "give up the medical approach," but without clearing the mental and emotional causative factors of any disease, you will make up another disease, or the one you have now will come back.

Breathwork is all about healing. A good breathworker will help you look at these thoughts and memories that are spearheading any physical condition. We can forgive these memories, and come up with a new mind. We make touch with the Divine Mind when we are willing to question, forgive, and let go. This makes the space to have new thoughts—Thoughts of God.

A thought of God goes something like this: "I can be free of suffering today." That is a Thought of God because God does not want us to suffer. God gave us free will, but we have used it in ways that make us feel limited, uncomfortable, fearful, angry, and sometimes guilty. These feelings, unchecked, can manifest as diseases in the body. The feelings are at the root of our suffering.

Liberation Breathing helps us to come to Peace when we have felt angry about someone or something. It helps us to come to Certainty and Safety when we have been feeling fear. When we breathe deeply in a consciously connected way, we get in touch with our inherent innocence inside of us from our Creator. Guilt is gone. One session of Breathwork can get us in touch with this total innocence.

If we made mistakes, we correct them. If we did things for which we are sorry now, we forgive ourselves. If we need guidance in a current situation, we receive clarity from this Liberation Breathing.

When Guilt and Fear and Anger are gone, HEALING CAN HAPPEN. The perpetrators of illness no longer have a grip on our mind, therefore we can relax and let go. We can de-stress in one session. We can heal and be healed.

Why do we BREATHE? We breathe to HEAL, mentally and physically. All the extra oxygen (and Prana) we take in with the circular breathing goes deeply into our capillaries and cells, and forms a rejuvenating "love cleanser." This replenishes our cells, clearing them of negative "cellular memory."

Healing is certain. Especially when we practice Liberation Breathing frequently.

WHY BREATHE? Reason #7

Because Breathing Brings Us Joy

Liberation Breathing brings us JOY. And in these times that says a lot. We all seem to have a pile of pet peeves to be upset about. But breathwork helps us to rise above them. We can actually BREATHE into more joy. Why not? We breathe into a lot of other feelings that don't get us to nirvana. Why not try something different?

BABAJI has given Sondra a special "healing treatment" to give everyone on our next BREATHE this coming Sunday. We hope you will join us to receive that. Breathing in a circular, conscious and connected way builds Energy in your body. In Breathwork you are not burning up this Energy by jogging or yoga poses. So where does that Energy go?? The Energy accumulates in your cells and cleanses them. It helps you let go and make changes that you have not been able to make. This influx of new Energy results in a healing, and this healing brings a lot of Joy.

It's not complicated. In fact, it is supremely simple. Breathe into more Joy. Everyone can do it. But are you willing to let go, and allow this Divine Energy to come into you to make a change? For most of us, this means facing the Unknown. What's so scary about that? The Unknown is where all the Joy hangs out—over there, with "new possibilities."

We hope you will join us for a BREATHE. JOY awaits us. Along with "new possibilities." (Joy's friend)


WHY BREATHE? Reason #8

Because Breathing Increases

Liberation Breathing brings us PEACE.

How does it do that, you may ask? Well, what makes us agitated in the first place? Of course it is thoughts. Situations make us feel certain ways, and we have certain thoughts about things. These things may be troubling. And the thoughts about these things may keep us agitated—not at peace. Isn't this the way it is?

Something today happened on our website in which it was bombarded with fake orders. All the "failed orders" clogged the system. It seemed like a deliberate "cyber attack." I could have been really upset. I called the appropriate web masters and e-commerce helpers to get it sorted out. But I could have been much more freaked out than I was. It seems to be handled now, as we move back into the safety zone. But at the time, I noticed a lot of fear thoughts.

I breathed a lot. I even breathed in the tub today with a snorkel under water. That really helped me calm down and take things in stride. I did take things in stride. The experts came to my aide, and it was the exact opposite of being afraid and upset.

I breathed a lot. Peace came to me and stayed with me because I have been breathing with circular, consciously connected breathing for quite awhile now in my life. Liberation Breathing liberates us from fear and upset. I experienced this today. My case was "up" as we say, and breathing through it helped to diffuse my negative reactions, and also the thoughts that attracted this situation in the first place.

"Shit" does not just "happen." There are situations that seem to come out of nowhere that are upsetting, but when we do breathwork, we see the internal mood and vibrations that are conducive to this negative manifestation. We take responsibility, come to inner forgiveness, and breathe out the charge. This way we stay out of "reaction" and remain in "resolution."

What could have been a "war" is diffused, and we can come to INNER PEACE. The BREATHING helps us do this—big time. LIBERATION BREATHING, BREATHWORK, REBIRTHING—whatever you want to call it— brings us from the turmoil of potential upset into the calm fields of integration and miracles. It was a miracle I got this thing sorted out today, with the least effort.

And all I did was BREATHE, and follow my guidance. The guidance was right on. The people I needed to be in touch with were there for me. I was RESTORED TO PEACE. You can be too!

Come BREATHE WITH US and get in touch with a PEACE that cannot be thrown off by any external condition.

WHY BREATHE? Reason #9

Because Breathing Gives You More LIFE FORCE (That’s the Divine Mother)

The Life Force permeates Everything. The Divine Mother permeates Everything. They are One and the same. Without the Divine Mother there would be no Physical Cosmos. The Spark of the Divine Father descends into matter through the Matrix of the Divine Mother—the Sacred Life Force. Then we have stuff.

We BREATHE to activate more LIFE ENERGY in us to move and create and be generally MORE HAPPY. The Life Force does not want us to have "problems." No "health problems," no "political problems," no "money problems," no "identity problems," no "guilt, anger, and fear problems." Basically, NO PROBLEMS.

Breathwork helps us to release the thoughts, feelings, and memories that make up our "problems." At some point we see that we do make them up. It's not hell we are afraid of, it is quite familiar. It is HEAVEN that gives us a hissy fit. We are so used to our insurmountable "problems." What if there were not any, in truth?

WHY BREATHE? Reason #10

Because Breathing Brings Us Together

(With the Divine Mother)

In these COVID-19 times, coming together has not been so easy. In fact, it has been discouraged. "Social Distancing," one of the major buzz words of this Pandemic, has turned us all into isolated lone stars. Even if we

shine our light, be careful. The guy next to you might have COVID, so don't shine it too bright. Keep it to yourself.

Airborne transmission; freak-out; protect yourself; isolate; social distance. The new normal is one of caution and distrust. It's made us all a bit overly anxious—and a bit too limited—stuck in the confines our homes.

We can understand exercising wisdom, but the imposed isolation has made us all a bit stir crazy in our quarantined Quonset huts. This is why Sondra and I continued our Breathwork seminars and sessions over Zoom, to keep some semblance of connection to the world at large, and to YOU.

Last Sunday we had a Breathe With Sondra Ray and 40 people showed up. It was Awesome. The sense of togetherness was very strong, as people bonded and stated what they wanted to "let go of." Then we all breathed together for an hour. Some of this Breathe was Breathing to a very powerful Mantra, sung by the group GOMA.

We Breathe to have High Thoughts. We come together in these High Thoughts. Breathing to a Mantra uplifts us very powerfully into these High Thoughts. We let go of the past and join together as ONE, not just in theory, but also in practice.

Sharing about the power of Breathing To A Mantra

Why Breathe? Because deep, consciously connected breathing brings us together in High and Joyful Thoughts. And we feel it, even though it is over Zoom. It is a very satisfying experience of Healing, and also JOY. As a group of Breathers, we experience the JOY of this togetherness. We hope you will give yourself this gift of fellowship, and join us to:

Check out their Liberation Breathing / Breathwork Events here: bit.ly/EventsRay

Mark your calendars. You don't wanna miss these chances to come TOGETHER. HUGS.


—Sondra Ray & Markus Ray—

Washington DC