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FIRST BREATH with Georgia Hovey


This is an "OPEN" weekend of the 9 Month Program with Georgia Hovey

The Philadelphia and New York Rebirthing Center welcomes you to FIRST BREATH, a transformative 3 1/2 day weekend immersion in Rebirthing Breathwork, led by Georgia Hovey.

FIRST BREATH is an experiential weekend using the power of your breath to access the un-conscious mind. It is designed to give you a deep personal growth experience; freeing you from your past, habits, and the impacts of trauma’s - beginning with your birth.

Rebirthing Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathing) uses a circular breathing technique to release stored stress and tension from your body... reaching all the way back to your very first breath.

Thought is creative and you are the thinker!
We breathe an average of 20,000 breaths per day. We have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. Most of these thoughts (95%) are unconscious! As in a computer program, our first breath sets the tone for our thoughts and our life. Once we understand the programming, we can have more control over our results.

The specific conscious breathwork technique of Rebirthing Breathwork allows awareness and insights to surface that are not easily accessed through traditional therapy, and supports the integration of past experiences. By altering how we taught ourselves to breathe at birth, we can alter our perception of life. FIRST BREATH combines counseling and insight with experiential processes to gain deeper levels of self-awareness and free up our subtle energy.

Over the course of this workshop weekend you will:
- experience 3 Rebirthing Breathwork sessions
- explore pre and peri-natal psychology
- learn about the impact of birth and childhood trauma on you & your life
- learn about negative core beliefs and how they affect our life.

As we release inner blocks, we become energised and rejuvenated from a cellular level. We feel more alive and vital in ourselves. Our heart opens; we become more present to our inner guidance.
This enables us to awaken to a deeper caring and compassion for ourselves, our loved ones, the earth and all beings.


The Philadelphia and New York Rebirthing Center is delighted to invite you to this "open" 9 month program weekend which will be led by Georgia Hovey a long time Rebirthing Breathworker and Breathwork Trainer. 

Georgia has a Masters in Education, and is an internationally renowned seminar leader and gifted teacher. She has worked in the Personal Growth field for over 45 years and has a wealth of wisdom and understanding of the psychology of human relationships. Her passion is to support others to understand how conclusions made at birth create patterns that lead to how we experience life. This awareness empowers us to make vast positive changes in the way we perceive life and opens us to more love and greater connection with Divine Source.


Thursday October 14th: 6pm -9pm
Friday October 15th: 10am-6pm
Saturday October 16th: 10am-6pm
Sunday October 17th: 10am-4pm
(ending times approximate)

Location: The Philadelphia and New York Rebirthing Center / 1027 69th Avenue/Philadelphia, PA 19126

Fee: $295.00
Early Bird Fee: $250.00 -If Paid before Sunday, September 19th.
(A deposit of $100.00 is requested for enrollment)
To Register: Contact Maureen Malone
Email: or 215-431-8838

Make a Payment of the Deposit or Full Payment: using as payee
Venmo: maureen-malone-breathwork
Maureen's Venmo

We will be following Covid 19 protocol, and will send you information on this upon registration.

October 14

Collard Method of Bodywork with Meg Gouldner

October 31

Free Online Zoom Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions