Why An Altar?
by Tony Lo Mastro & Sue Sipos

The sanskrit word for altar is Assan, and it means a seat for God.
In many cultures an altar is a home fixture; some homes have an altar in every room. An altar is used as a focal point for the family to become united toward sacred worship, meditation, celebration and gratitude. an altar gives you a place to put things that have a lot of meaning for you, like a beautiful fabric to cover the altar, sacred pictures, family pictures, oils, candles, crystals, gems, stones, incense, shells etc. An altar is also a place for your requests and goals.
Quoting SondraRay in her book Pure Joy, page 5 paragraph 2: "You might have resistance to an altar if you have not cleared your feelings about religion and any disappointment you have around that subject. To do that, I recommend that you go back to your original church and sit in a pew and breathe a lot. Forgive everything that was confusing and be grateful for everything that was good and inspiring and loving."
An altar is a sacred spot
An altar keeps you focused every time you pass by.
An altar renews and reawakens your sense of divinity.
An altar reminds you to think holy thoughts.
An altar is a place to bare your soul.
An altar is a place to be humble.
An altar is a place to open your heart.
An altar is a wonderfull way to love God
Love & Gratitude Tony Lo Mastro & Sue Sipos